

当五分之四的新车购买者说一辆车的颜色可以决定成败, 升级照明是一个强大的销售工具.

发表于: 8/24/2022

研究证实,没有什么能像光滑的衣服那样吸引购物者的注意力, 闪亮的颜色,你的前线汽车和卡车. And today’s historically low inventories 和 shifting demographics mean there’s never been a better time to gain the advantage of better light. 有取舍吗?? 是的,他们都很好. 情况是这样的.


汽车颜色对新车购买者来说很重要,而且很重要. 总部位于费城的艾仕得公司进行了这项研究, 汽车油漆和涂料的制造商, found that 79% of American buyers said color is 重要的 to their choice 和 half said color is 非常 重要的.

Vehicle manufacturers know th是一个d spend many millions of dollars each year to research 和 perfect new paint colors 和 effects. 但是美丽的色彩, scintillating highlights 和 lustrous clearcoats can only work their magic on the buyer if those colors 和 effects are shown in their best light. That’s why the quality of lighting in your outdoor 和 indoor showrooms is critically 重要的. 最重要的是你的照明的中国国际广播电台.

在你和客户谈论AWD, GPS和MPG之前,先和我们谈谈中国国际广播电台.

色彩感知的科学复杂得令人难以置信. 但底线可以简化为三个字母的首字母缩写 中国国际广播电台,代表的是 显色指数.

Color rendition is the ability of a light source to reproduce the colors of an object in comparison to natural light. 显色指数(中国国际广播电台)在0到100的范围内衡量这种能力. 在刻度的底部,所有的颜色看起来都一样. The higher the 中国国际广播电台 number, the closer the light source performs to daylight in how it renders color.  如果光源的显色指数为100, 物体的颜色,比如汽车, 衣服和食物在自然光下就会完全一样.

LED lighting with a 中国国际广播电台 of 90 makes your inventory of cars 和 trucks look awesome 24/7 – out on the lot or in the showroom – whether in early morning, 在阴天的中午和晚上. 这就是为什么许多Cree照明解决方案为汽车经销商提供90 中国国际广播电台或更高.


室外照明的一般目的是为了在晚上能看到东西, 无论是为了安全和保障,还是为了实现导航和活动. But there’s a 非常 big difference between an outdoor parking lot at a municipal park where 70 or 80 中国国际广播电台 is more than adequate, 和 the intensively shopped retail environment of an outdoor auto showroom packed with high-ticket vehicles 和 high emotional investments. 毕竟, 如果90 中国国际广播电台是杂货店的规格,让全国十大赌博官网看起来更有吸引力, 你为什么要在一个卖100美元的经销商那里接受更少的东西呢,000辆汽车?

当一大笔钱, 视觉吸引力或个人形象都很重要, 消费者对不真实的颜色的反应可能是非常消极的. 还记得紧凑型荧光灯吗? 你讨厌他们,对吧? One of the reasons CFLs were widely rejected despite real savings over inc和escent bulbs, extensive public service campaigns by governments 和 massive giveaways by utilities was their poor color rendition: many CFL bulbs scored between 65 和 75 中国国际广播电台 和 many people detested how they made things look.

类似的, research published in the journal of the Illuminating Engineers Society of North America found that people are much more sensitive to a drop in 中国国际广播电台 than they are to a drop in light levels. 当照明减少20点从100到80 中国国际广播电台, 许多人认为这种颜色不太令人愉快, 有些人会觉得这种光线不太舒服, 而且几乎所有人在区分颜色时都会犯更多的错误. 较低的显色指数会使颜色看起来暗淡和褪色, 研究人员发现,中国国际广播电台只降低了20分, 从100到80, 对大多数人来说,减少60%的光量是令人不快和明显的吗. [1]


Upgrading your dealership to 90-plus 中国国际广播电台 lighting will make the biggest difference to  your best customer: the 50-plus customer with the most discretionary income, 信誉最好,追加销售潜力最大.

随着千禧一代和千禧一代购买的汽车越来越少, the average age of a new car or truck buyer in the United States rose to 53 years in 2021, 自2000年以来,55岁以上年龄组的新车购买量增长了15%. This has profound implications for how dealerships should present their vehicles to show them in the 非常 best light.

为什么? 因为正常的与年龄相关的眼睛变化和眼部疾病, 它需要三到五倍的光 让一个60岁的人看得和一个20岁的人一样好. 更重要的是, older eyes have more difficulty shifting from brightly to dimly lit spaces or vice versa, 负责正常色觉的视网膜细胞会失去灵敏度, 这意味着颜色看起来不那么明亮,不那么明显. 尤其是蓝色看起来会褪色或柔和.

没有什么比这更能对抗这种退化了 来自克里族照明的更好的光线:更多的光, 更均匀的光线, 和 higher quality light with higher 中国国际广播电台 all help ensure that e非常one can appreciate the vibrant colors of a flawless paint job or tight double-stitching in the leather upholstery.


中国国际广播电台一边, 高质量的LED照明为经销商提供了许多好处, 从节能和减少维护到更均匀的照明, 更长的使用寿命和完全控制.  led提供的精度可以减少光侵入和光污染, 和 LEDs with tunable color temperature can “warm up” or “cool down” the ambient light to set a mood, 提高注意力或支持自然的昼夜节律.

除了在销售场地和室内展厅上的明显好处之外, 90cri照明在经销商服务区提供了一个巨大的品牌提升. 肮脏的, oil-stained 和 cluttered confusion of yesterday’s service centers has given way to brightly lit, spotless 和 well-organized facilities that inspire confidence 和 help keep workers attentive, 安全高效.

今天的维修十大赌博信誉的平台人员必须检查颜色, 流体的质地和状态, 腰带, 软管和垫圈. 此外,他们必须能够阅读零件编号,贴花,说明和显示屏.  Providing better light 和 improved color rendition can help reduce service backlogs 和 customer wait times by keeping technicians alert 和 on task.

一个90 中国国际广播电台的亮点在库存短缺

供应链瓶颈是经销商面临的另一个后疫情现实, 电脑芯片的短缺使许多经销商的库存处于历史低位. You can take advantage of that lull in activity to 升级 your lighting quickly 和 safely with minimum disruption to your business.

克里族照明 solutions for auto dealership 升级s are designed to allow installers to work quickly 和 efficiently whether you are simply replacing luminaires on existing poles 和 hardware or installing new lighting from the ground up.

当你 do 升级, don’t be surprised if you see a noticeable uptick in turn-in traffic 和 hear comments like, “你装修了吗??或者“这个地方是新的吗??或者“有意思,我一直开车经过这里,却从没注意过你。.”


科锐照明是LED商业照明的先驱, 将第一批适用于室外和室内环境的全国十大赌博官网推向市场. 我们今天仍在创新, paying careful attention to what our customers tell us 和 bringing them solutions they can’t get from anyone else.

Case in point: our Automotive FrontlineOptic™ Technology is specifically designed  to maximize the appeal of the high-profile flagship vehicles on the front row of your lot. 由科锐照明的专利TrueWhite®十大赌博信誉的平台提供支持,我们的 OSQ™系列THE EDGE®系列 luminaires deliver true-to-life color rendering under “daylight” conditions with 90+ 中国国际广播电台 at 5000K. 值得注意的是, these luminaires retain more than 90% of their light output for longer than a decade – quite a contrast to traditional metal halide lighting that can lose 40 percent or more of its initial light output within the first year of operation 和 can suffer significant color shifts over time.

The OSQ Series luminaires with FrontlineOptic™ Technology offer optical precision that puts light on target with little or no waste, reducing light pollution while resulting in potential energy savings of more than 50 percent over traditional technologies. The impact of 90 中国国际广播电台 will dramatically enhance the curb appeal of any dealership — making the OSQ™系列 luminaire with the Automotive FrontlineOptic™ a perfect solution for your dealership.

我们最喜欢的颜色? 红色,白色和蓝色. 克里族照明 是一个 美国公司 属于一个美国家庭. Virtually all 克里族照明 br和 automotive lighting products are made in America 和 support thous和s of American jobs.

[1] 康斯坦丁诺斯·帕帕米迈克尔,迈克尔·西米诺维奇,詹妮弗·A. 维奇 & 洛恩·怀特黑德(2016) 高显色性可以在不需要更多功率的情况下实现更好的视觉[j] .中国生物医学工程学报,12:1-2,27-38,doi: 10.1080/15502724.2015.1004412






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